X-Men: Days of Future Past will be directed by Bryan Singer who will bring in past cast members too

Fox / Marvel

In a move that sounds like musical chairs, 20th Century Fox has replaced X-Men: Days of Future Past director Matthew Vaughn with old X-Men and X2 director Bryan Singer. Vaughn will stay on as a producer of the film.

Singer has been working closely with Fox's new creative consultant, to their Marvel franchises, Mark Millar and will move forward with the plan to use time travel to create a cohesive, singular X-Men movie universe for the studio. Along with having an eventual crossover movie with the Fantastic Four, since both franchise will co-exist in the same universe.

Also, the website Bleeding Cool reports that Singer will be bringing older cast members back for what seems to be quick appearances in the new X-Men movie as a means to connect all past movies together. Patrick Stewart, Famke Jansson and others have teased at their re-appearance in the X-Men universe and with Singer on board as the director, you can bet this will definitely happen.

Sounds like X-Men: Days of Future Past will not only have a huge ensemble cast (do not doubt that Hugh Jackman's Wolverine will make some kind of appearance as he did in X-Men Origins: First Class) but this next movie will set any and all continuity issues within all the X-franchise movies straight too. Sounds like a huge project and hopefully Singer will create the next great X-Men movie and not the next big Superman Returns flop.

More stories on the X-Men:

X-Men: Days of Future Past loses director Matthew Vaughn, Fox rumored to want Bryan Singer to step in

The Wolverine rumored to have a cameo by Jean Grey, sounds like one cohesive X-Men universe will begin as promised

X-Men: Days of Future Past confirmed to have robots by Mark Millar, bring on the Sentinels!

X-Men and Fantastic Four crossover movie is being planned for the future
