SUPERGIRL Season 3 Episode 19 Review: The Fanatical

Reign is still safely in her cage as Lena works on a cure to save Sam. However, her relationship with Supergirl continues to be more strained. 

Kara confronts James about blabbing to Lena about Supergirl asking him to break into her office. He, of course, defends himself thinking he made the right choice. In the middle of their argument about Lena, a woman runs into James’ office to ask him to get something to Supergirl. She has stolen Thomas Coville’s journal from his followers, thinking they want to make a bomb. 

The woman Tonya, a linguistics teacher, admitted to initially teaching Coville how to read Kryptonian. And after Reign, his followers made her translate his journal which somehow made her realize how crazy it all is. Supergirl and Mon-El go to the address given to them by the linguistics teacher only to find the ashes of a body dead due to whatever weapon they created. At the same moment, Tanya gets kidnapped right under James’ nose when a team of Coville’s cult members take her, armed with guns. The surprising leader of the cult is Olivia, who Supergirl thought she saved from them. 

James manages to follow them as guardian and veer their car into a abandoned warehouse. His mask get shot off just as cops get to them. He manages to disappear with Tanya after using the magic Batman gas trick. Subtle. 

Supergirl tried again to apologize to Lena but she is treated coldly by her. She tries her luck by speaking with James and Tanya about what was found on at the address given. Soon they’re sent a text telling them to deliver the journal and Tanya in 3 hours or they’ll send video out showing who the Guardian really is. Now they’re on a type crunch. 

Winn aligned with Lena help to find out what killed the woman they found the asked of. It is Kryptonian and called The Rock of Yuda Kal. It can be used to make another Worldkiller but can also be used to reverse the process and save Sam. 

Alex is on babysitting duty to keep an eye on Ruby but isn’t getting any lucky trying to get her to do anything other than lay around. Hank is having a similar problem with his father so they combine forces and get them to the arcade. Ruby still won’t budge and Hank’s father has an episode and destroys an arcade game. Surprisingly, My’rnn and Ruby actually bond and have fun. 

With them running out of time, James decides to be a martyr and hold a press conference to reveal his identity. However, Tanya refuses to let him do that and wants to be bait. She is taken, along with an undercover Mon-El, to Olivia and the other cult members. Mon-El signals Supergirl and she arrives with Guardian in tow to stop them from creating a Worldkiller out of Olivia. In a rare turn of events, Supergirl’s use of reason and sympathy actually works and Olivia releases the Yuda Kal (with some help). 

The Yuda Kal stone was useless as all of its power was used up but Lena and Winn found an exact same one currently hurling in space. Next mission; Supergirl and Mon-El are going after it in Hank’s spaceship car. 

I’m glad they had Tanya and James speak about how the cops were still going to shoot him when they saw that he was black. James even spoke to Lena about his experiences of being cuffed by cops when he was 7. It brings some realism to James’ role as a vigilante. It also sets up the scene for when James does decide to reveal his secret. 

Reign is adapting to Kryptonite. She is loose from her chains and will soon be able to escape containment. With days left, Reign is more than likely ready to kill someone.

Written by Carly B., SUPERGIRL Beat Writer

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