AGENTS OF SHIELD Season 5 Episode 11 Review: All the Comforts of Home

They just can’t catch a break, can they? The team is back for not more than half an hour before another mission is thrust upon them. They couldn’t even get cleaned up, get new clothes, or shower. Hell, Mack would have settled for a cheeseburger. As he said, “Yup… They’re back.” 

Despite his disappointment and exhaustion, I for one am so glad to see AGENTS OF SHIELD back in the present day. No more are we stuck inside the same plain hallways of the lighthouse, dealing with time travel, and Kree. Now it’s time to deal with the actual effects of what happened at the end of season four. Like Fitz’s episode showed up at the beginning of the season, the government still wants SHIELD and is willing to do whatever it takes to get them. 

But first, SHIELD had to get acclimated to their new surroundings. I assume that the Lighthouse will now serve as their base of operations, even considering the ending explosion. It’s got the tech and it’s well hidden, so it seems like the best place to set up a new base. Plus, the team could use a good home. They’ve been through a lot lately. 

Despite what I wrote about last episode, it seems I was right in the end about Deke. He did come back to the present, just in a different place. His scenes where he learned to love earth food and hug a tree was amusing, but ultimately kind of frustrating. The character wasn’t worth much love in the future, and I fear that he’ll continue to be a thorn in everyone’s side in the present. 

It was good to see Piper again. She’s one of those b-tier characters that I’m glad has stuck around. I hope that despite what happened right after her appearance, that she continues to help out to team and make amends for her mistake. 

Speaking of which, while Yo-yo might think that her arms getting cut off might be a signal of the future, I don’t think so. First off, when she appeared in that “flashback” episode – where she left to fight Casius – she still had both her arms. Secondly, now that SHIELD has her, there’s no reason why they can’t give her some fancy tech arms just like Coulson had. 

Lastly, I’m not sure how much there is to say about Dove Cameron’s character. We don’t get much information about her except that maybe she’s the General’s daughter? What kind of powers does she have? Why is she being held captive? There were more questions than answers when it came to her this week. 

All in all, I’m happy AGENTS OF SHIELD is back on solid ground (pun intended). But it’s next week that has me more excited. Next week is the 100th episode of AGENTS OF SHIELD, where we’re supposed to learn about the deal Coulson made with the Ghost Rider at the end of Season 4. I imagine we’ll getting a lot of information and revelations next week.

Written by Peter Freeman, AGENTS OF SHIELD Beat Writer

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