AGENTS OF SHIELD Season 5 Episode 10 Review: Past Life

It’s done and over with! Finally, we’re free. Obviously, what happened here is going to have long reaching consequences for the rest of the season, but I’ve yet to figure out why it took ten episodes to tell this story. That said, thankfully, this episode moved like lightning. It was action-packed, full of story, and basically everything I wished all these past episodes could have been. 

As was stated last week, everything hinged on this plan to reach Flint and have him rebuild the monolith. In conjunction with the machine aboard the Zephyr, SHIELD would use it to activate the monolith and get them back to the present. At the same time, Mack and Yo-yo were doing their best to give the humans a fighting chance to control their future. 

What transpired was a thrilling two-pronged attack. Coulson the group moved quickly to find Flint and the others and get what they needed. Meanwhile, Cassius was planning his own offensive. The time for cowardice was finally over. This episode housed what I have to say is probably the only character development that Cassius has gone through. Seeing him realize that he all he ever wanted was to make his father proud is something I wished was made more apparent throughout this arc. The ending fight between him and Mack was appropriately brutal. I just wish that Simmons had gotten a bit more revenge on him for what he’d done to her. That said, I enjoyed watching Mack impale him, as he realized that everything he’d accomplished was for nothing. 

In the end, it appeared I was wrong about my theory. Deke wasn’t going anywhere. Neither was Enoch, or Tess, or Flint. The latter pair decided to remain in the future, and work to rebuild earth. If Daisy can become powerful enough to break the planet, then Flint can become powerful to put the planet back together. At least, I think that’s what they’re going for. For Deke and Enoch, I supposed they served their purpose, and so it was time to shave the cast back down to the main crew. 

This episode gave us a few tidbits of information. Primarily the one that Coulson is technically the cause of all this. His decisions later on are what lead to the inevitable fall of earth. He’s allowed to make these decisions because he’s allowed to live. Coulson is dying. Of what, we’re not told, though it looks very familiar to what Tony Stark was dying from in the second Iron Man movie. I also wonder if this has something to do with Ghost Rider, or if Ghost Rider will be the way of saving him in the end. 

All of this information came from Cassius’ seer. They were teased at the end of last week and were revealed to be Yo-yo’s future self in this week’s episode. I have to assume that based on the events we saw two weeks ago, that showed us SHIELD’s time during the end of the world, is where that Yo-yo came from. She went to kill Cassius and was never heard from again. 

What we’re shown is a shell of a woman. Someone who has been killed and brought back to life countless times. It was sad to see her talk to her past self, realizing that every time she had a glimmer of home, that she encountered it before. This meant that no matter what she did, they were doomed to fail. The only way to break the cycle was to let Coulson die. 

If this is to be SHIELD’s final season, I could see it being possible. But given that this is Marvel, owned by Disney, I’m doubtful. That said, now that everyone is back home, on Earth, it’s time to solve the end of the world. I’m looking forward to it.

Written by Peter Freeman, AGENTS OF SHIELD Beat Writer

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