SUPERGIRL Season 2 Episode 20 Review: City of Lost Children

While there were some high points, this wasn't the best episode of SUPERGIRL this season. I felt it lacked scenes from Kara and instead put too much focus on James. This starts when James gets his feelings hurt when the woman he saved runs away in terror. 

Feeling like he isn't making a difference, Winn tries to convince him otherwise when there is attack at the square from a telekinetic alien. Luckily, Supergirl arrives before a car is sent flying into a building. 

After learning the attack was from a usually peaceful race of aliens called Phorians, Supergirl and Mon-El go searching for her. Of course, James find her first, despite being told to back off James finds the address of the woman. Arriving at the house, he instead finds a young boy. It turns out to be the attacker’s son Marcus(The adorable kid from This is Us). Marcus isn't giving Alex any information but James seems to have a connection with him and he is given a shot. 

Following the return of Rhea, her manipulation with Lena is still underway. She is still digging her claws into Lena right under Kara’s nose. As she pretends to be a good mentor, she gets Lena to think more like herself to solve the problematic m with the trans-matter portal. 

While out, Mon-El is the first to discover his mother is still on the planet after seeing her exit her meeting with Lena. However, when he turns back she is nowhere to be seen. But he drops it when he has Winn scans for the ship again and finds nothing. Dude. Go with your gut. 

He confides in Kara that he didn't feel angry when he thought he saw her. She assure him that he shouldn't feel bad about still caring about her. Come on people. Put one and two together. 

After a couple of attempts, James finally gets Marcus to open up about his father died while they escaped their planet. He even almost gets to figure out where his mom is but Marcus seems to be out under some kind of trance like his mother and wreaks havoc on Catco. Strangely at the same time, Lena is testing the portal. Supergirl gets him out of the building and reverts back to himself as the portal is turned off. Part of Rhea’s plot? 

Convinced that his mother had a similar episode and wasn't in control, James tries to convince Marcus to tell them where she is. Along with Winn, Marcus and James go to find his mother and discover she is among other Phorians in hiding. 

Meanwhile, they find out the polyatomic anions from Lena’s project is causing this to happen. When she calls her, Rhea picks up and tells monologues how whatever happens is her fault. They are unable to trace the call but when there is a huge release of anions they are able to track it. 

Rhea has taken over and by the time Mon-El, Supergirl and J’onn arrive, there is no way to stop it. It's also taking control of the Phorians in hiding including Marcus and his mother. 

Supergirl hurries to the trans-matter portal and tries to destroy it. Mon-El pulls a gun on his mother when she refuses to turn it off. Although, James gets through to Marcus and the others, there is a bigger storm. Unable to kill his mother, Rhea reveals to Mon-El that the portal is for the thousands of other Daxamites survivors to take over earth. 

I feel bad for Lena. If it isn't her own family taking advantage of her, it's an alien. How many times does a girl have to get knocked out? It's about time she figured out Kara is Supergirl. I mean she came with Mon-El aka Mike, who is Kara’s boyfriend? It's getting comedic at this point. 

It was good for James to have his own storyline for once but I felt it separated him from the others. They seem to have a hard time seamlessly fitting his own story arc into the other’s. That being said, he should play a part in the final episodes. 

Along with familiar friends coming along to help such as Cat Grant so will enemies like Lillian Luthor. It'll be interesting to see them all come together to take on a bigger enemy.

Written by Carly B., SUPERGIRL Beat Writer -- Click to read Carly's posts

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