DOCTOR STRANGE IMAX Review: It's One of the Best 3D Experiences You'll Have Had in Recent Years

CLEVELAND -- Last night I got a chance to see my local press screener for Marvel's DOCTOR STRANGE in IMAX 3D. While the fans in attendance were shockingly small from any Marvel Studios screener I've been to so far — there's been a little thing called the World Series happening here in Cleveland — it was understandable. Although, I committed to this screener long before Game 6 was in play and my Cleveland baseball fandom hates to admit that I made the right choice in seeing this movie instead last night. (Because we got beat up bad. Fingers crossed for a Game 7 win!)

Anyway, here at we already had our spoiler-free review of DOCTOR STRANGE last week since our writer Nick Whitney saw it last week in the U.K. (See his review link below.) So this short review will be focused on how spectacular Marvel Studios' 14th movie fully captured the magic of IMAX 3D.

My screener was at a Regal Cinema which houses one of those retrofitted IMAX screens. You know, one that was converted into being an IMAX experience without really truly being the IMAX experience in the much bigger IMAX venues. (Cleveland would love to have a real IMAX cineplex someday, please.) While I personally am not a big fan of 3D, unless its an animated feature, I had a chance to experience DOCTOR STRANGE in IMAX 3D and I couldn't pass up the opportunity simply because of the insane visuals I was expected to see in the film. 

So let me get to the point. DOCTOR STRANGE is just about a two hour movie and there are tons of IMAX scenes specifically made for the larger screen format. The 3D experience was so good it almost had some of the same feels as using the new Sony PlaystationVR. You're completely immersed into the scenes, action and visuals. It's one of the best 3D experiences you'll have had in recent years.

Whether it was moments of a bending cityscape shifting around itself, the magical shards, the sparks produced from magic usage, or a voyage through the trippy nature of the Multiverse, IMAX 3D brings out the best of its technology which has never been fully seen and captured so beautifully in any previous Marvel Studios film. The IMAX 3D scenes are is a clear sign of what is in store for future appearances by the good Doctor as well as for a hopeful DOCTOR STRANGE sequel.

The pacing of the film is so brilliantly swift it really helps with the seamless transition between IMAX and non-IMAX scenes. You don't even realize when the larger screen format isn't being fully utilized and this is also due to the fact the a lot of the film was filmed in IMAX.

If there is one IMAX 3D movie experience to be had right now it is most definitely to see DOCTOR STRANGE because Marvel Studios has not only entered the many dimensions of the Multiverse, but they've succeeded in properly using 3D to its full capacity.

A quick and final note to Regal Cinemas and IMAX, please develop new 3D glasses. They dig into the sides of your head to bad and it makes it feel like the glasses are squeezing your brain out of your head. It's very uncomfortable where it's noticed during a movie several time and this takes you right out of the movie when making adjustments and moving the glasses around from where they are squeezing way too hard. It's borderline headache-inducing and there has to be a much better design for these head-squishing glasses.