Chris Evans Sets Record Straight: He's Just Taking a Break From CAPTAIN AMERICA When His Contract Ends

"Irresponsible journalism" is what actor Chris Evans said when asked to set the record straight about his misquoted comments about the eventual end to his current Marvel Studios contract as Captain America. Thank you Chris!

It's the cold hard truth of online media and journalism anymore. I actually call it the 'Misinformation Age' sometimes because the Internet has created this new form of journalism content creation which allows writers to post whatever/whenever they want without an editor reading through it first for quality control and publishing approval. This may not be the case at all sites but it seems to happen more frequently than it should. Journalism is supposed to a chain of command where newly written content is feed upward by a writer for publishing. Now, a content idea is pitched (sometimes), written and then published by the writer without an editorial read-through first.

So again, cheers to you Evans for calling out irresponsible journalism! Now let's get to the point and that is about Evans and his quotes reported by both MTV and Variety which were blown way out of proportion. Evans said the following to MTV and then to Variety.

“When I’m done with this Marvel contract, I’ll take a little break from acting” and “I can’t see myself pursuing acting strictly outside of what I’m contractually obligated to do."

The web blew up and nearly every website started to write that Evans was hanging up his Captain America shield for good. Well, if you're website posted this... you were wrong and misleading.

In a new interview with BuzzFeed, Evans set the record straight.

"...I never said, and if you read the interview, you’ll see that. It’s not where I’m playing a sport where I’m just too old to do it. You can act until you’re dead. It was really one of those frustrating things that you give in an interview, and you can quote me, irresponsible journalism — everywhere I went, every interview was like, ‘So you’re quitting?!’ Didn’t say ‘quitting’! I said that I wanted to take a break!"

There you have it... Evans is just taking a break and not hanging up his shield for good. It's officially a non-story.

After Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1, 2015) Evans has two more films on his Marvel Studios contract and one of those films will be Captain America 3 (May 6, 2016) and the final one is assumed to be Avengers 3.

To read more about Captain America, click right here.