Tony Gilroy Reveals New Plot Info For His Upcoming STAR WARS Series ANDOR

In a long and solid read about the current state of the Star Wars universe on Vanity Fair, ANDOR creator and showrunner Tony Gilroy has revealed some new plot teases for his upcoming Disney+ series.

"Gilroy breathes deep and reveals a little more about Andor. 'This guy gave his life for the galaxy, right? I mean, he consciously, soberly, without vanity or recognition, sacrificed himself. Who does that?' he asks. 'That’s what this first season is about. It’s about him being really revolution-averse, and cynical, and lost, and kind of a mess.' The story begins with the destruction of Andor’s birth world, then follows him into adulthood, when he realizes he can’t run forever. 'His adopted home will become the base of our whole first season, and we watch that place become radicalized,' Gilroy says. 'Then we see another planet that’s completely taken apart in a colonial kind of way. The Empire is expanding rapidly. They’re wiping out anybody who’s in their way.' By journey’s end, Andor’s path will be to block theirs.

"The show also focuses on the enigmatic Rebel leader Mon Mothma, played by Genevieve O’Reilly, who portrayed her as a young senator in Revenge of the Sith, then reprised the role in Rogue One. Mothma (then played by Caroline Blakiston) was the priestess-like figure in 1983’s Return of the Jedi who outlines weaknesses in the new Death Star, gravely intoning, 'Many Bothans died to bring us this information.” In Andor, her story will run parallel to the title character, whom we know will eventually become one of her key agents. “It is a huge, orchestral, Dickensian ensemble cast,' says Gilroy."

ANDOR is set to debut exclusively on Disney+ in the later half of this summer.
