SUPERGIRL Season 3 Episode 13 Review: Both Sides Now

So after getting her butt kicked a couple times, Supergirl finally decides to take a team and go after one of the Worldkillers. With Alex, Hank, Mon-El and a team of DEO agents, they storm Julia Freeman’s house. Initially, she is seen as scared and confused by the pack of agents in her house but when Alex threatens her, The Worldkiller in her comes out and attacks them with sonic blasts before being subdued by John. 

They bring her back to headquarters and put her in a cell. They've also found a little device with Krypton crystals that could help them find her fortress. Yes. They're all very pleased with themselves. However, Supergirl is not convinced she is all evil and Alex agrees to her try good cop before she takes over. 

Kara is compassionate and tried to reach Julian within Purity. Alex is less than patient and taunts her. The battling forces of the sister end up with them going at each other; for Kara’s naïveté and Alex’s cynicism. Purity seems to be having fun getting to them. After the Kryptonian crystal is activated, she manages to subdue Kara, steal it and take off. 

Lena, concerned for Samantha's health, orders her to take a day off of work. Samantha gets Ruby out of school for the day and takes her ice skating. But Samantha also has Reign take over when the Kryptonian crystal activates and abandons Ruby. Lena comes by to pick her up. 

Mon-El gets Hank and Winn’s help in fixing their Legion ship. He essentially uses the battery in his cool ship/car to try and restart one of the power sources in his shop. It seems like Imra and Mon-El have been having issues as well. 

Mon-El and Hank talk and he reveals that he and Imra got married for political reason; to unite the Legion group and their marriage eventually grew to be real but that he still has feelings for Kara. Hank being the Martian Oprah, of course gives him advice to be open and honest with Imra. 

Purity is shown to have fled to the subway and armed with new tech to deflect her sonic attacks, the team goes after her. They get her out of the subway car but when she is being surrounded she starts destroying the station. About to try and kill Supergirl, Kara and Alex (finally trying to be helpful) try one final time to reach Julia and succeed but too late. By the time Julia gets back in control, Reign arrives. Julia sacrifices herself and goes with Reign to save Alex. 

Although they have no idea where Reign took Julia or if Julia can even fight Purity, Kara decides that saving them may be the way to stop them. Always the optimistic, Kara may have the right idea this time. 

Purity was a great villain and very intimidating as a villain. I'm looking forward to seeing more of her before they try and save her. It can't be the last of her anyway. 

Imra and Mon-El make up after he admits his feelings for Kara but apparently Imra has had secrets of her own and has always planned to come to that time with a mission of her own. Those two kids have some trust issues. 

Samantha also arrives at L-Corp to see Lena. She still doesn't remember a thing that happened. She does snap at Lena when she tells her Ruby told her about her blackouts but it's just them that she has another one and doesn't remember yelling at her. Lena, however, says she knows exactly what's wrong with her. 

SUPERGIRL is going on hiatus and leaves us with several questions; does Lena really know what's going on or is she guessing? What mission would Imra and Brainy be in on but not Mon-El? Finally, there must be a deeper connection to the Worldkillers and Kara. She has visions of them and she might be the one to lead them to the next one, Pestilence.

Written by Carly B., SUPERGIRL Beat Writer

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