Writing Has Begun on GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3 Which Will Have a Bigger Role For Gamora

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 is set to hit U.S. theaters tonight and roll out in all screening times tomorrow May 5. Writer and director James Gunn has already confirmed a few things prior to the release of the sequel: one being that he is returning to write and direct GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3, another being that Adam Warlock is coming in the threequel and, finally, the third film will close out the trilogy for this iteration of the Guardians team.

In an interview with USA Today, it's been confirmed Gunn has already started writing the third movie and Gamora will have a bigger role, too. USA Today writes:

"James Gunn has already started writing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 to complete his trilogy, discussing the story with Pratt and having 'some pretty intense conversations' with Saldana about a significant role in the threequel. The only travels Gunn has on his docket in the near future, though, are relaxing ones to 'get my head on straight after three years of waking up and going to sleep and thinking about a talking raccoon.'"

Without giving too much away about Volume 2, this is great to hear because Gamora needs to be kicking more ass in the third movie since her badass self has yet to be fully realized on the big screen. (That is unless Marvel Studios is saving that for AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR when she'll have to face-off against daddy... Thanos.)

Marvel Studios has yet to set a release date for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3, but look for it to be set sometime in 2020, or beyond.

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