SUPERGIRL Season 2 Episode 22 Review: Nevertheless, She Persisted

The second season finale of SUPERGIRL was one of the best of the seasons. They wrapped up the Daxamite invasion nicely, great fight scenes and a look into what will be coming next season. The final picks up the moment we left off, Superman attaching his cousin. Rhea reveals that on their plane was Silver Kryptonite and she's using it to make him see Kara as worst enemy, Zod for the ultimate Superman / Supergirl throw down. Low blow. 

Their fight spans all over National City aiding in its destruction and with Kara seemingly about to lose. As they fight in the water, Kara delivers a final blow that sends Superman flying the sky only to fall back to the ground unconscious with Supergirl following suit. 

Kara manages to fly them to the fortress of solitude with Alex before passing out again. When she wakes up from her hallucination they discover that Superman is back in his right mind and search for a way to beat Rhea using information from a previously is Daxam war because knowledge is power. 

Armed with this, they fly back to the DEO where Winn and Mon-El are waiting. Rhea is preparing another attack when Supergirl videos her and invokes a challenge to fight her for Earth(Dakkum Ur) which she accepts. J’onn wakes up in time for them to help contain the situation. He sends Clark and Kara to Catco to ask that Cat refrain for pushing the fight in case civilians try to go watch and get hurt. 

Lillian is still trying to manipulate Lena by giving her a project of Lex’s that could be used to get rid of the Daxamites. However, this could prove useful. They call the super cousins over and explain that Lena can adjust the device by using it to make the air filled with lead, only enough to kill the Daxams or force them to leave. This includes Mon-El. She decides to let them build it as a fail safe although he makes the others aware that she does not intend to lose and to make them use it. 

After a quick pep talk from Superman, she goes to meet Rhea with Mon-El. As she is successfully kicking her butt, Rhea goes back on her promise and starts destroying the city. Mon-El leaves to go help save the people while Kara and Rhea fight. Rhea seems to have Kryptonite all over her from the destruction of her planet and every time Supergirl makes her bleed she gets a hit of it. Meanwhile along with Superman and J’onn, Megan comes back with an army of Martians to help. 

Of course she wouldn't be Supergirl if she didn't give it back to her tenfold. When she gets the upper hand, Rhea decides to have all the ships target the schools. With Winn’s help, Lena successfully finishes the lead device leaving Supergirl with the remote. With no choice left, Kara releases the lead poisoning into the air killing Rhea. 

The most heartbreaking scene is watching Kara and Mon-El exchange I love yous as she sends him off into the pod that he arrived in at the end of the last season so he will survive. Supergirl has loved and lost and will now brood. She is truly a superhero. 

While everyone celebrates the victory at the DEO, Supergirl is somber with the loss of Mon-El. Despite Clark and Alex’s effort to comfort her, it doesn't help. Visiting Cat does help as she encourages her to continue her journey and that the pain will eventually fade. 

In a not so shocking turn of events, after Kara runs off to help firefights, Cat reveals that she knows she is Supergirl. I'm glad it's confirmed that Cat know who Kara is. It would seem out of character for Cat to have figured out who the Flash is and Guardian without knowing Supergirl was right under her nose and just in glasses. I have missed you, Cat Grant. Don't stay away for long. 

Surprisingly, we had a proposal. Yep Alex and Maggie are getting married. A bit fast for me, but they'll no doubt be many obstacles before they jump the broom. 

Rhea was a ruthless villain, one of the best the shows have had on. Teri Hatcher worked great with the cast and I'm sad she's going to be leaving. 

Setting up for season 3, we see Mon-El floating in space in the pod he was in and gets l up into some type of worm/black hole time warp thing. He's definitely going to be back soon. We also get look back at Kryton 35 years ago when Superman was first sent to earth. It appears that some evil faction of the Kryptonians sent another child to earth to ‘reign’. Can you get any more ominous than that? Is this a new character we're going to see next season? Possibly the supervillain Reign from the comics. Is this someone we've already seen? 

SUPERGIRL returns this fall on The CW.

Written by Carly B., SUPERGIRL Beat Writer -- Click to read Carly's posts

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