ROGUE ONE Has Second Biggest Domestic December Opening Weekend Ever Behind STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS

It's time to drop a Star Wars clichè... the Force is strong with ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY when it comes to its box office draw!

In its opening domestic weekend, ROGUE ONE took in an estimated $155 million. This is 2016's third biggest domestic opening weekend behind CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR ($179M) and BATMAN V. SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE ($166M). The opening is also the second biggest domestic opening weekend in December behind last year's STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS ($247M).

Overseas, the Star Wars spin-off brought in an estimated $135 million equating to a worldwide debut of ROGUE ONE already bringing in just over $290 million.

Positive reviews and word-of-mouth will continue to propel ROGUE ONE at the box office during the upcoming holiday weekend — Christmas Day is one of the biggest movie days each year — and the film still hasn't opened in the second biggest box office market, China where it opens on January 12, 2017. So the cash will continue to flow into Lucasfilm and Disney.

Now will we all watch and see if ROGUE ONE can break through the $1 billion barrier in the coming weeks.

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