SUICIDE SQUAD Mid-Credits Scene is a Marvel Studios Rip-Off But That's Kind of a Good Thing

Right now, SUICIDE SQUAD is finally in theaters and bringing in a ton of cash to the tune of $20.5 million from its domestic Thursday night totals (post link below). BATMAN V. SUPERMAN opened big, despite negative reviews too, and SUICIDE SQUAD seems to be closely following that same exact path.

But something interesting happened in the movie at the end of its animated credits scene. SUICIDE SQUAD ripped-off a move straight from rival Marvel Studios to include a mid-credits scenes.


In this scene we see Amanda Waller and Bruce Wayne having a chat. The similarity of this to the credits scene in IRON MAN is uncanny as that had Tony Stark and Nick Fury discussing building a team. Waller and Wayne are having a similar conversation.

Wayne wants, from Waller, the files of known metahumans and in these files include Enchantress, Arthur Curry a.k.a. Aquaman, as well as other future Justice League members. He also tells her to shut down her villain ensemble team, Task Force X, after the fallout and destruction that occurred in Midway City in SUICIDE SQUAD. She's resistant to comply so Wayne tells her if she won't someone will and to let the team he's putting together, the Justice League, handle the worst evil that may arise moving forward.

Nothing is too revealing or shocking about this mid-credits scene, unlike in IRON MAN with the reveal that The Avengers would be coming soon, since JUSTICE LEAGUE has already been announced and is filming right now. It was somewhat comforting (and a little awkward) to have a teaser scene like this in a DC movie because it works in Marvel and is nothing but a good thing to tease your future movies.

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