It's always interesting to hear any details about the creative process of screenwriters. Each writer has their own style of creating a outline, story and script and the writers of all three of the Captain America movies are no different.

While speaking with io9, Marvel Studios writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely revealed how they became the writers for both AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR movies.

“We’re on set for Civil War and then as soon as they start shooting we don’t have much to do for the next six hours,” McFeely said. “We’d go to the office, read comic books, write down ideas, put everything on the wall and just go ‘These are all the characters we could have.’" 
“We sent in literally 60 pages of unrelated ideas,” Markus added. “Just like ‘Here’s some stuff that could happen in this insane movie.’ Then we came back from Atlanta and everyone had a copy of that [document] and they’d circle this, ‘This is cool, this is insane, this is cool, we’re not allowed to do that,’ and from there we’ve pieced it together very slowly. We’re in the middle of it now.”

That's how you put some downtime to good use. 

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR begins filming at the end of 2016 at Pinewood Studios in Atlanta.

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