CAPTAIN MARVEL is Proving to be "A Very Tough Story to Crack"

So far this calendar year Marvel Studios has pushed back CAPTAIN MARVEL twice.

The first time was in February when room was needed for the inclusion of an untitled SPIDER-MAN movie in Phase 3 and the second time was yesterday. Most of the focus on yesterday's Phase 3 news was focused on the ANT-MAN AND THE WASP sequel and BLACK PANTHER being moved up six months, but not much was noted about how CAPTAIN MARVEL didn't really need to be pushed back from its November 2018 release. Sure that would've given the studio its first year of releasing four films, but nothing took over the CAPTAIN MARVEL release date causing it to be pushed back six months.

Marvel was banking on Carol Danvers to be their first female leading lady and instead they are now touting the ANT-MAN AND THE WASP as their "first film named after its heroine." Sorry Carol, you're now the second movie title female in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

According to one of The Daily SuperHero's insiders there are whispers around Hollywood inner circles saying CAPTAIN MARVEL is such a tough character to bring the to big screen. And it's not due to anything more than what The Daily SuperHero is being told as being "a very tough story to crack" from my insider.

Six months ago, back in April, Marvel officially announced their writing team of Nicole Perlman (GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY) and Meg LeFauve (Inside Out). Now, six months later, the release of CAPTAIN MARVEL is being pushed back six months.

Coincidence? My insider says it's not. 

"This isn't an issue with CAPTAIN MARVEL not being made because it will be made. This is an issue with developing the character and her story so she is not too powerful when compared to other Avengers team members. Especially since her powers are near a Superman-like level."

My insider has a point. Captain Marvel has a tremendous power set that is Superman-like and bringing a believable, not over-powering realism to these powers is not an easy task.

In the end, this isn't confirmed information from the studio but info from my trusted insider who has provided me solid intel in the past so I have no reason not to believe this is being heard in some inner circles. Even the delay of CAPTAIN MARVEL lines up with the notion of much needed care for getting the character right and, generally speaking, further development for the movie.

CAPTAIN MARVEL now releases on March 8, 2019.

UPDATE: LeFauve confirmed what my insider told me regarding the difficulty of Captain Marvel's powers. Click here to read more.