Producer Simon Kinberg Talks DEADPOOL, its Sequel and CABLE

Hold on a moment... a DEADPOOL sequel is being talked about even before the first movie is released? Yup, and don't forget that back in August it was being reported how Fox was already considering a DEADPOOL sequel. (Click here to read that post.)

In an interview with Collider, Kinberg said he has seen an early cut of DEADPOOL and it's fantastic.

“I have seen a rough cut of Deadpool and it’s fantastic. It’s a really good movie. It delivers on the promise of the trailer… We really committed and leaned into it being R-rated. It’s just darker and edgier and weirder in the best way—like Deadpool should be—than any other movie in the genre.”

Kinberg then spoke about how there has definitely been sequel talk.

“We certainly are talking about the sequel—we were talking about the sequel while we were making the movie just because when you make a film like this that’s from a serialized source material, you hope that it’s the first of many… But yeah [Fox is] feeling good about it, we’re all feeling really proud of it, so hopefully before it comes out we will be well into the process of figuring out a sequel.”

Also last month, DEADPOOL director Tim Miller spoke about Cable possibly being in a sequel and Kinberg commented on that.

“It’s certainly come up because he’s such a big character in the world. And it’s a character that I’ve always wanted to do in one form or another, we talked about Cable actually in Days of Future Past at one point. But yeah we’re in such the early stages of sequel talk it would be genuinely premature for me to say whether or not he was gonna be in it.”

With all the hype around DEADPOOL it seems almost impossible that it won't be a box office hit when it releases on February 12, 2016. When it does, Cable in the sequel makes so much sense because it's the logical way to bring the other hugely popular Rob Liefeld-created Marvel mutant into Fox's expanding X-Men movie universe since both characters have a great comic book history together.

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To read more about DEADPOOL, click here.