SUPERGIRL Season 6 Episode 7 Review: Fear Knot

Brainy and Nia arrive back to present day National City with Kara’s DNA. It’s been 3 days since they left. While they were gone the super team were prepping for their trip into the phantom zone. Luckily, they’re more than ready especially since J’onn equipped the tower as a ship.

They need to be ready, however, because the Phantoms are more powerful in their habitat. They use their power to bring out people’s worst fears. Or as Brainy put it, their powers are like a Dementer.

The team gets inside the Phantom zone and they’re working on locking down Kara’s exact location. They haven’t even located her when they start to have trouble. The Phantom they have in containment gets loose and Alex gets infected. J’onn implores her to get into confinement but she locks him up instead, believing she is the only one who can save Kara. This is a dumb mistake because her soon to be transformation lures the Phantom’s to the ship and they begin to attack. Alex thinks the best option is to leave the ship via airlock. She’s just full of good ideas.

Let’s roll back about ten minutes. Lena is the first victim of a fear vision. She has a vision of a mythology sea creature drowning and killing all of her friends. This stems from the fact that her mother drowned.

At the same time this is happening, Kelly has an equally disturbing fear vision. In hers, she sees all of her friends being taken over by the Phantom’s and she feels like there is no point in fighting since she’s human.

Nia has a dream of the Phantom escaping and leaving a thimble with a picture of the tower with a crack through it. She wakes up and Brainy tells her that the Phantom breached the containment unit and made everyone have Fear Dreams but that it was contained. She isn’t convinced and goes down to the containment unit in time for one of the shields to be damaged and one of the windows shattered. Brainy is sucked out and Nia blames it on her not being able to interpret her dreams.

J’onn and Brainy are the only ones not affected by the fear dreams. Mostly, Brainy has a weird fear of balloons but it’s not affecting him like the others. With the shields breaking down, Brainy works on getting the phantoms off the shield while J’onn has some sort of psychic duel with the Phantom. The Phantom is fully concentrated on fighting J'onn so that the others are able to grasp control of their fear dreams and escape. The team manages to land the tower where Supergirl’s location is.

Kara and her father are working to get out of the specific phantom zone region that is now destabilized due to the explosion. Trying to escape, Kara gets scratched by a Phantom and is overwhelmed with feelings of dread. Her father reminds her that she is right to hope and that they’ll get out of there.

His speech is right on time because the Phantoms start to swarm them and the ground beneath them cracks. Before they’re forced to fight, Lena releases the sun energy bomb. This strengthens the Kryptonians and they’re able to escape to the ship/tower. Kara finally reunited with her sister and her superfriends and believes that they’re finally safe. However, as they fly out of the Phantom Zone, a mischievous Nxyly materializes on the ship and hitches a ride out. That’s going to be a problem.

Written by Carly B., SUPERGIRL Beat Writer
