AGENTS OF SHIELD Season 5 Episode 17 Review: The Honeymoon

Apologies about the long absence. Between a presidential preemption and a massive computer failure it’s been quite a few weeks. But we’re back online and back in business. 

Jumping back into the episode, I can’t help but feel this season suffered greatly from not dividing itself into three parts like season four did. It just seems like there wasn’t enough story in either half to support eleven episodes. Everything feels like it’s moving at a snail’s pace and this week is no exception. We hardly learned any new information and were simply given several delay tactics and poor decision making. 

The episode opened with Coulson and Talbott on the run from Hale. They’d just used the alien machine to teleport them somewhere up north. It’s cold, snowing, and Talbott isn’t really fit for travel. But time is of the essence, especially when Ruby follows them through the machine. 

At the same time, Daisy and May are on the clock to find Coulson. Robin’s drawing isn’t helping them as much as they thought. As Deke mentions, they don’t even know if the drawing is meant to represent the present or if it’s drawing of the future. Good thing coincidence is on their side because the moment Daisy decides to touch down somewhere random, they happen upon Coulson and Talbott. 

For whatever reason the marketing for this episode hyped up the battle between Daisy and Ruby as if it were supposed to be some climatic showdown. Frankly, it was the opposite of that. For starters, Ruby’s obsession with Daisy was never really made clear. There was a poster on her wall and she occasionally made mention of being jealous of Daisy, but not enough time was devoted to Ruby’s reasons for hating/desiring to be Daisy. It doesn’t help that Daisy barely knew of Ruby’s existence. I can’t help but be reminded of Ivanov’s feud with Coulson and how vapid the whole thing was. 

Following their confrontation, Deke manages to get himself shot up and placed in surgery. This storyline really didn’t mean anything in the long run, except that it gave Piper something to do, which I’m always down for. The whole thing culminated in a bunch of babbling from Deke about how much he liked Daisy and wanted to kiss her. 

The flipside of this episode was Yo-yo, Fitz, and Simmons’ escapades. They were search of an old Hydra weapon. This entire plotline was also pointless. By the end, it only led to them having to undo everything they’d accomplished. I get that they’re trying to instill the idea that time can’t be changed, but it also made the episode feel like a waste of time. The only knowledge they gained was from Yo-yo, who finally decided to tell someone that her future self said to let Coulson die in order to prevent the future they saw. 

The only interesting tidbits were some single scenes. The scene between May and Coulson was good, as she finally got fed up with his cavalier attitude towards death. It was a good catharsis for her and now the cards are on the table. Coulson knows how May feels about him and he’ll eventually have to deal with that. 

Lastly, we ended on Talbott, who had finally been given a way to contact his family. Turns out though, Hale had been brainwashing him using the same techniques we saw all the back in season two. Now he’s ready to comply.

Written by Peter Freeman, AGENTS OF SHIELD Beat Writer

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