DEADPOOL Animated Series Loses FX and Donald Glover

Last year, news hit that FX enlisted the talents of Donald Glover, and his brother Stephen, to create and oversee an adult-themed DEADPOOL animated series. FX even green lit it straight-to-series with a 10-episode order.

Sadly, per THR, there is now a chance this show may never happen as FX has issued a statement confirming they have pulled the plug on the DEADPOOL animated series altogether, as well as the Glovers no longer involved on the project.

"Due to creative differences, FX, Donald Glover, Stephen Glover and Marvel Television have agreed to part ways on Marvel's Deadpool animated series. FX will no longer be involved with the project. FX and Marvel have an ongoing relationship through our partnership on Legion, which will continue.”

A damn shame but THR states there may be a chance of Marvel TV shopping the DEADPOOL mature animated series concept around to a new network and to new helmers, too, but this is also still very unclear currently.

[Image is from the ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN animated series.]
