ARROW Season 5 Episode 14 Review: Sin-Eater

This week’s episode started with the promise of a real shocker, followed by a big slap in the face. Oliver, with Diggle, just drove up to the home of Prometheus’s alleged mother and asked her to give up his name, as the killer had erased all traces of his identity, leaving her as the last link to finding him. She said no, taking the news that her son was a serial murderer with surprising grace, before essentially telling Oliver to get the hell out of her house. I’m convinced this is just an elaborate red herring and that Prometheus isn’t actually this women’s son, the bastard child of one of Oliver’s victim circa season 1, but time will tell. And it looks as though we’re going to have to wait a little longer as this week Prometheus was conspicuous in his absence yet again.

When Chien Na Wei/China White (Kelly Hu), Liz Warner/Lady Cop (Rutina Wesley) and Carrie Cutter/Cupid (Amy Gumenick) break out of custody, Team Arrow scrambled to apprehend the Star City Sirens before they can do any damage. 

When we last saw Liz Warner, Quentin Lance had convinced her to turn over a new leaf, one that the other super-bad ladies seemed to have convinced her to turn right back over. Quentin took Warner’s recidivism as his personal responsibility, a belief which turned out to be somewhat prophetic when it was revealed that the reason she turned again was because she saw on the news that he had worked with the known terrorist Damien Darhk, convincing her were that the hypocrisy of the “good guys” was a joke and their morals were only paper thin. 

In this week’s biggest development, Susan confronted Oliver with the fact that she had evidence he was the Green Arrow. After he joked around with her in a way that for a split second made it look like he was actually just going to tell her the truth, he instead played off her assertions as crazy. Thinking he had it handled, he confided in Thea, who in her general malaise toward Susan, went to Felicity and asked her to hack her computer and see what she had. Upon seeing the cache of evidence she had gathered in her investigation, they realised just deleting off her computer wasn’t going to be enough and set about destroying the poor woman. When next we saw Susan, she had been fired for plagiarising her stories and her computer was filled with years of evidence of such. She knew Oliver was behind it somehow and it pretty much confirmed her belief that Oliver was the Green Arrow, but at least for now she can never take the story to any reputable news outlet. In fact she’ll be lucky to ever get a job in journalism again. This left Oliver embittered with both Felicity, who seemed to get off lightly considering she actually did the deed and Thea, who fell back on the defence that she was only trying to protect Oliver and had no choice, before Ollie pointed out she really did if she had come to him about it first. Oliver even went so far as to say Thea reminded him of their mother, who was capable of anything, even the most heinous of actions, when justified by the idea of protecting her family. 

As the triumvirate of evil super ladies, came closer to their goal, getting their hands on the MacGuffin of the week, a huge stash of cash left over from Tobias Church’s operation, Team Arrow were thwarted in their apprehension when the ACU turned up to arrest the Green Arrow for Detective Malone’s murder. Remember him? Yeah, I barely did. It seemed that Prometheus had sent an anonymous tip to the Police Chief implicating The Green Arrow in Billy’s death, the envelope marked with a post mark from the city Oliver had just visited when he went to see Prometheus’s mother. A message for him to back off perhaps? As the mayor, Oliver tried to vouch to the Chief that the Green Arrow wasn’t truly responsible for Billy’s death and somehow, SOMEHOW the Chief bought it. Rushing into the finale, the ACU were focused on captured the 3 women and let Team Arrow go unmolested. The Chief even exchanged a few knowing words with the Green Arrow, perhaps giving us a glimpse of a new Batman/Gordon like relationship? 

Dinah stepped up this week, being re-sworn in as a cop for the SCPD AND getting her mask on her journey to taking on the mantle of Black Canary, even getting the nod from Quentin as it is his daughter’s boots she’s figuratively going to be filling, which was surprisingly sweet. 

The flashbacks served an odd purpose, as they ever do. Showing Oliver save Anatoly from a Russian mob hit, it more served to hammer home that Oliver is the kind of man to blame himself for everyone’s plight, like the sin-eaters of Russian folk lore who would eat fruit and vegetables off a dead body to absorb their sins. There was a lot of talk of sin in this week’s ARROW, to the point where had you had a shot every time someone said it, you’d might not have made it to the end of the episode, at least I wouldn’t have, to see the TV news break that Mayor Oliver Queen had covered up details of the death of Billy Malone in a conspiracy that could cause him to be impeached and lose his office. The work of Prometheus? Or a woman scorned, with connections to the news using what clout she has left? Or maybe, both?

Written by Nick Whitney, ARROW Beat Writer -- Click to read Nick's posts

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