SUICIDE SQUAD Breaks August Records and Brings in Over $267 Million Worldwide in its Opening Weekend

SUICIDE SQUAD will go down as a movie with so much potential but its end result featured alleged studio executives fussing, pressure and interference with its theatrical cut. This is why studio execs who don't know comic book characters as well as its creatives need to stay behind their desks and let the creatives develop, create and edit a movie regardless of the fact the execs pay the bills. Otherwise, you'll get an amalgamation of a movie, like SUICIDE SQUAD, that feels like it was two different movies cut together. Maybe Warner Bros. execs should stop sticking their nose into things they obviously don't understand and let its motto of being a filmmaker-driven studio play its part.

A spotty plot, bad pacing, different tones and missed opportunities to make a much better movie all aside, SUICIDE SQUAD still banked in the domestic box office in its opening weekend to break August box office opening records previously held by Marvel Studios' GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY ($94.3M).

SUICIDE SQUAD took in an estimated $20.5 million during its Thursday night domestic screenings, followed by $44.6M on Friday. However, there was a big drop-off between its Friday and Saturday box office numbers to the tune of 41-percent. This is not a good sign as Friday and Saturday are the big box office days for any blockbuster movie opening and could be a sign of a big second weekend drop, too.

Overall, domestically, SUICIDE SQUAD took in an estimated $135.1M in its opening frame. To compare this to other comic book movie domestic opening weekends: BATMAN V. SUPERMAN brought in $166M, MAN OF STEEL took in $116M, DEADPOOL landed a $132M opening and CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR raked in $179M.

Overseas, SUICIDE SQUAD took in $132M despite not releasing in the world's second biggest movie market in China. Worldwide, the new addition to the DC Extended Universe delivered $267M.

Sure, SUICIDE SQUAD is making a lot of money right now but the question is if it will have the legs to maintain its box office dominance in its second weekend. Luckily, the reported $175M production budget movie doesn't face major competition for the remainder of this month. But the telling tale of Warner Bros. and DC Films' movies is the potential of how big of a drop-off that could occur after its opening.

[All box office weekend numbers are estimates and actuals will be reported on Monday afternoon.]

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