THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Will Explore Why the Dark Knight is so Moody

THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE won't be your standard Batman schtick because it will be an all-ages, fun and silly romp with the Caped Crusader in Gotham against his rogues gallery including appearances by Justice League members. A spin-off of THE LEGO MOVIE, actor Will Arnett is back reprising his voice role as Bruce Wayne / Batman and he did some teasing to Entertainment Weekly for the upcoming animated film.

“What came out of 'The LEGO Movie' was the idea of, Batman’s the Dark Knight, so why is he so moody? What’s going on? Why is he so banged up? And wouldn’t it be fun to get in there and explore that?” Arnett says. “[Exploring Batman’s moodiness] was always the intention, but as you record a few sessions and you get on these tangents, you end up taking the entire story down a road that wasn’t necessarily the intended road. It can totally drastically change the narrative just through goofing around.”

Arnett went on to say the idea for a spin-off came up the days following THE LEGO MOVIE release and Warner Bros. was so happy with its box office results they immediately green lit the spin-off since Arnett's Batman stole his scenes in the movie. It also helped that Batman is one of the most profitable DC super heroes movie franchises at Warner Bros.

THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE releases on February 10, 2017.

To read more from Arnett's interview on EW, click right here.

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