This Marvel Legends X-MEN Series is the Next Best Thing Since There's No X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Toys

Another X-Men movie was just released and you've probably noticed there is no toy merchandise for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE

This has been the case for several years now as it is widely assumed Marvel does not want to license any X-Men movie merch because Disney would have to share those profits with Fox. Instead, Disney and Marvel release comic book-inspired X-Men toys right around the release of a new X-Men movie. Since these are figures based on their comic book versions no profits need to be shared with Fox because they are not inspired by the look of the mutants in the films.

This brings us to Hasbro's latest reveal of their new Marvel Legends 6-inch build-a-figure line featuring Marvel's mutants. A large Juggernaut figure which is assembled when you get all the figures in the wave. 

Check out these new X-Men figures, many of which were originally revealed at Toy Fair New York in February, in the images below.

You can pre-order a full set of this Marvel Legends X-Men wave, which will guarantee you building Juggernaut, over on Entertainment Earth by clicking right here.

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