GASP! Steven Spielberg Says George Lucas Will be Involved in INDIANA JONES 5

After reading the headline you may have thought to yourself, "OH NO!" and rightfully so after both Steven Spielberg and George Lucas did so much wrong in INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL.

One of the biggest problems with the last Indy movie was that it felt like both Lucas and Spielberg lost their magic touch. But Disney is going back to them as Spielberg will direct INDIANA JONES 5 and the director has announced, at a press roundtable for his new movie THE BFG (via CBR), that Lucas will in fact provide creative input for the next franchise film.

“Of course — I would never make an ‘Indiana Jones’ film without George Lucas. That would be insane. 
“George Lucas’ fingerprints are on ‘The Force Awakens, because that movie is an homage to Episode[s] IV, V and VI — a complete homage. George Lucas is all over ‘The Force Awakens.’ Lest we ever forget that.”

Wait a second... does Spielberg not even know that Lucas wasn't involved in the development and story for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS? Sure sounds like it because Lucas wasn't even a "creative consultant" on the movie. He was not a part of the process at all.

Sure, Lucas' fingerprints are all over The Force Awakens because he created the franchise, just as he did with Indiana Jones, but that doesn't mean The Force Awakens was good because of Lucas. It was good because of what Lucas originally created and then Lawrence Kasdan, J.J. Abrams and Michael Ardnt developed on their own.

With all due respect to a man who changed the face of Hollywood by creating the blockbuster franchise format that's still followed by studios today, Lucas being away from The Force Awakens was a breath of fresh air for the franchise. Now, according to Spielberg, Lucas is back for more Indy and their last turn together with the franchise was not good. 

Maybe Disney needs to consider bringing in some fresh takes with new creatives, writer(s) and director. Indy deserves more than another Crystal Skull debacle of a movie. Just saying, and luckily INDIANA JONES 5 doesn't release until July 19, 2019 so there's plenty of time for Disney to hopefully realize all of this.

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