James Wan Says After Seeing AQUAMAN He Won't Be the Butt of Jokes Anymore

For years and years, Aquaman has been known to be the butt of jokes as well as being a source of many humorous memes and GIFs. Those days are coming to a close when director James Wan brings AQUAMAN to the big screen.

So enjoy all the jabs at Aquaman like this one below because the silly is being replaced with badass.

During CinemaCon in Las Vegas this past week, Wan spoke to MTV to discuss why he likes helming such an underdog character.

“As we all know, Aquaman is somewhat the butt of the joke in the superhero world. There’s something cool about that. I love the idea of being the underdog, coming in with a take on this underdog character and completely blow people’s expectations away. Like, ’Oh, you thought he was going to be a wimpy character? No no no.’ It’s going to be so cool. 
"A big part of it was me telling them what potential I saw in this character."

Wan, then, said since he's following the JUSTICE LEAGUE movie he will continue story threads for AQUAMAN from there including some origin story.

“There’s Justice League that happens before it, so I have to be respectful to that,” Wan said. “But in a lot of ways… it’s a continuation but there are origin elements as well — and that’s the story that I’m excited to tell.”

And if you still don't believe AQUAMAN will be a total badass in the DC Extended Universe then watch the JUSTICE LEAGUE workout videos below of the ridiculous pull-ups actor Jason Momoa is doing with what appears to be 45-pound weights (that's weights, plural) strapped to his waist.

A video posted by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on

And this video too.

A video posted by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on

Yeah... Aquaman is going to be a badass and he'll kick your ass if he hears any jokes coming from you.

AQUAMAN releases on July 27, 2018.

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