Ryan Reynolds Says There's Definitely Been Talk About DEADPOOL and CABLE in a Movie Together

Lucky Deadpool fans were treated to an early screening of an unfinished edit, per Fox reps, of the movie yesterday, in New York and L.A., Ryan Reynolds was in attendance for the N.Y. screening and answered some fan questions. One in particular was about a possible DEADPOOL sequel with Cable in it and the actor couldn't hold back a big smile when answering, per ComicBook, who wrote the following.

"But then he started talking about 'making more of these,' which fans responded to with more boisterous applause. One fan yelled out "Sequel!" and another fan followed-up with 'Cable and Deadpool!' and that wound up revealing something from Reynolds. 
"'Your lips to God's ears, my friend,' he said directly to the Cable and Deadpool fan. 'Believe me, that's being talked about.' He gave a smile, a nod, and raised his eyebrows as if to emphasize the point."

This isn't the first time Cable's name has come up to co-star in a DEADPOOL sequel. Director Tim Miller joked about the possibility of bringing the two together in a sequel back in August.

"There aren’t really many definitive Deadpool villains, apart from Cable. If we don’t put Cable in Deadpool 2 I think we’ll be run out of town on a rail."

It seems like it would be more of a shock if a DEADPOOL sequel wasn't greenlit and it didn't have Cable in it.

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