STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Breaks Second Weekend Record and is the Fastest to $1 Billion Worldwide

The records keep falling as STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS continues to dominate theaters.

It will be a while (or maybe 17-ish months from now) until another movie has a chance to break many of the records The Force Awakens is making right now (cough... Episode VIII... cough) but the movie set two new big records during its second weekend in the box office.

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS has now become the fastest movie to hit $1 billion worldwide and has done it in 12 days of worldwide release (sans China where it opens on January 9). The previous record was set earlier this year by JURASSIC WORLD in 13 days.

Also, the movie destroyed the second weekend domestic box office record pulling in $153.5 million. The previous record was also by JURASSIC WORLD which brought in $106 million in its second weekend of release.

The biggest question looms: Will STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS beat out the $2.7 billion by AVATAR and claim the No. 1 spot of all-time?

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