The Curious Case of the FANTASTIC FOUR Reboot: Who is to Blame? New Report Suggests Fox is at Fault

Over the past few days everyone has been piling on the negativity on the FANTASTIC FOUR reboot because of the last half of the movie. But who is really to blame? Director Josh Trank? Writer and producer Simon Kinberg? 20th Century Fox executives?

According to a new report from Collider Movie Talk, it seems like it was not director Josh Trank but Fox, which goes along with Trank's deleted tweet saying he had a different vision for his film a year ago. Host John Campea said the following (transcribed by ComicBook):

"I've got a source, fairly close to the production of this film, who had told me that the movie that Josh Trank and Fox had agreed on making — included 3 really big action set pieces. That was all agreed upon, it was part of the flow of the movie. And a movie is like a puzzle, you have all the pieces in place. You start messing with pieces and suddenly the whole puzzle can look out of whack. And they had agreed upon this vision for a film. And days before production began, Fox came in and made him pull 3 main action sequences out of the film. I was also told, the ending of the film was not even Josh Trank's. At some point they hijacked the editing bay from him. To the point that the editing of the film was done without him."

It's become harder to believe Trank was at fault with the final cut of the reboot. Unfortunately it's probably going to be a very long time until fans hear the real truth, if the truth is ever revealed.