Ryan Reynolds is Hyping the Sh*t Out of DEADPOOL on Social Media, Now Someone Light a Match

As social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become a part of society's daily routine, more actors and directors have begun using social media as a means to hype up their movies. Whether its behind the scene photos or vague teasing about roles, it's a growing trend in Hollywood because free publicity and promotion is the best kind.

Two years ago director Bryan Singer started posting behind the scenes photos to his social media accounts of X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST, nearly everyday. He has already started to do the same for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE while it moves toward filming and production in Montreal in the coming weeks. Singer may not have started this trend in Hollywood but he definitely brought it to Fox's Marvel movies and it has caught on with another studio movie.

Actor Ryan Reynolds has taken over social media teasing and interactions since DEADPOOL began filming in Vancouver. He posted the first look at the Deadpool costume, which was brilliantly done and answered fan questions in a way that implies he's fully immersed in method acting for the character. Or he's just having an absolute blast now that DEADPOOL is actually happening and in production.

His latest social media post has gone above and beyond what any Deadpool fan could have ever expected as today the 'Death of Deadpool' comic book released in comic shops everywhere. Check out Deadpool being meta while reading his own comic book... on the sh*tter. Plus some other great posts on Reynolds' Twitter account.

This is from the last 12 days since filming began for DEADPOOL, and surely there is a lot more to come. There might not be another actor having as much fun making a movie than Reynolds is having right now.

DEADPOOL releases on February 12, 2016.

[Editor Note: I've been a huge fan of Deadpool for many years, so forgive me if it seems like I'm really excited about this movie because I am really, really excited for this movie.]

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To read more about DEADPOOL, click here.