X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST To See a Reboot of the Villain TOAD

If there's one thing that X-Men Days of Future Past has set out to do when it releases in theaters this summer it's to redefine 20th Century Fox's X-franchise time lines to make them more cohesive instead of one timeline in the past and one in the future. Easier said than done, right?

Seriously though, one thing that director Bryan Singer is setting out to do is build a new X-Men movie universe through the younger cast from X-Men: First Class. In order to do this, Wolverine will go back in time to change the events of the future. By doing this, Wolverine will change many of the characters in the future timeline as well.

In other words, it makes for the perfect chance to recast and reboot some of the future time line mutant from the older cast and films. This is already being done in X-Men Days of Future Past since MTV News has uncovered the villain Toad has been recast and will be rebooted in the ensemble film. (Who was previously portrayed by actor Ray Park.)

Actor Evan Jonigkeit is a somewhat unknown name (click on his name to see his past work) and has confirmed, via MTV News, that he has been cast as a younger version of Toad in this summer's X-Men blockbuster movie.

"I read a lot of the comic books. I found out the storyline of my character, who is Toad," Jonigkeit said. "X-Men fans will know that Ray Park played him in the first movie, so it's a generation story of how he came to be. It's really cool. The aesthetics of the character are much different, and I'm not really allowed to say a whole lot more than that. It's darker. I would say it's a darker tone."

A shocking bit of news to come out of left field, for sure, and probably the beginning of the recasting and rebooting process of several mutants. Up next for a reboot could be Cyclops, or Jean Grey, or Gambit, or ... the list can go on and on.

X-Men Days of Future Past release in theaters on May 23, 2014.
