Star Wars Episode VII: Damon Lindelof says bring back original actors but what about Lando?

Nothing is a hotter movie topic online than news and rumors about Star Wars Episode VII. Over the past week-plus, since the Disney acquisition was announced, original actors who played Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia have all expressed their interest in returning to a galaxy far, far away.

While Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher were the main three characters throughout the original trilogy, another actor was brought in for Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and he also played a very important role in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. That actor was Billy Dee Williams who played Lando Calrissian.

Whether any or all of these original actors are brought back remains to be seen but if Disney plans on bringing one of them back—like the rumor saying Skywalker could be a main character in the new movie (see that rumor link below)—they need to consider at least having cameos by all the others. Even screenwriter Damon Lindelof, who is rumored to be working on the Episode VII script, agrees.

“As far as casting, my feeling is that they have to bring back the original actors," Lindelof said to Rolling Stone. "How can you express that these movies take place after the original trilogy unless some of those characters are in it? I don’t feel that they have to be at the epicenter of the drama, and I definitely think they should introduce new characters.”

Linedlof's comment sounds almost too perfect. Like he might just be working on a script. Hopefully he won't forget about Lando if he is working on it.

Who doesn't want to see the love-hate between Han and Lando one more time on the big screen? Why not Lando?

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