State of the Website Now That The Writer's Strike Has Ended

Hello everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to address the past few months and current state of the website that you might have noticed as of late.... there hasn't been much new news content posted here.

Part of this was due to the fact I do not delve into rumors, speculation, opinion, and theory and I stick to real confirmed news. The other part was in fact my own way of somewhat supporting the ongoing strikes of the writer's and actor's against the studios. 

Sure, I still posted lots of content from the 2023 San Diego Comic-Con since I was there as press, but the less content during the months surrounding SDCC 2023 was done with some intent. Yes, I posted here and there for big trailer releases as well as casting news... when there was casting news... but I took a little stand in my own way showing support to those who write, create, and act in the Marvel, DC, Star Wars, and other entertainment I love and cover here on the website.

But now, the writer's strike has finally ended! And while the actor's strike is still ongoing, I will begin to post more content when it is officially confirmed news since actual news will and should begin flowing sooner than later now. I am still not going to get into rumors or speculation just to fill the void of content, because the majority of that is never true anyway and used for clickbait purposes by too many online websites anymore.

So I'm here typing to let all my followers and readers know that yes, I'm still here and yes, I'm still moving forward with content here on I appreciate everyone who still follows the site and clicks on new posts here on the website, too.

While we are still waiting for the actor's to resolve their strike against the studios, expect more content to start flowing onto the site here now that writing and development on future projects can finally commence and continue once again.

I appreciate you all and thank you for your time and support,

Daniel Wolf, Founder & Editor-in-Chief
