GOTHAM Season 4 Episode 15 Review: The Sinking Ship, The Grand Applause

GOTHAM has been a fan of referencing song lyrics in the title before, and this time is no different with a song from The Paper Chase. I would love to know what the writers’ music preference is when they are picking obscure songs like this. Regardless, this is a great, jam-packed episode. It’s a classic GOTHAM episode of violence, ridiculous relationships, and silly jokes. It seems that everyone gets some air time in this episode. We also discovered that Zsasz is a huge fan of milkshakes and the disco, which is information I didn’t know I wanted but absolutely needed. 

Firstly, Bruce and Selina are separated in their own drama during this episode. Selina wants to retrieve the items she stole from Roland Charles, and needs Bruce’s help to do that. Both as a bank and as a bat. He goes with Selina to get the stuff back, and they fight off everyone in the room. I see the excessive alcohol didn’t ruin his stamina at all. They take back the item, and Bruce leaves some money with him. Philanthropy at its finest. 

Selina wants Bruce to return his possessions for her. She doesn’t want to get involved because she feels guilty for his death. What a great chance for two teenagers to bond: over murder. It is probably the conversation they both need to feel better about their respective situations. Perhaps that is why Alfred stayed out of their way. 

Now into the meat of the episode. Martin escapes from Sophia with the help of the Riddler, and she is pissed. She sends Zsasz to kill Penguin immediately. However, he’s not alone anymore. Headhunter is back, and everyone responds to seeing him again with disappointment and disgust, which is not unlike how I felt upon seeing him again. This episode would have been exactly the same without him, but maybe they are setting him up for something bigger in the future. 

Zsasz and Headhunter show up to Arkham to kill Penguin, but Harvey intercepts them, not knowing that during this interaction Penguin was escaping with the Riddler. Oh, how I have missed seeing The Riddler and Penguin work together, even if Jerome must be disappointed to see Penguin go when he had just started making progress. 

Harvey was there to ask Penguin about his old employee Penn. Penn might have information that could implicate Sophia in Pyg’s arrival in Gotham, and Harvey is trying to help Gordon get out of this situation he has placed himself in. He seems a little unwilling to help, but it is probably best that someone holds Gordon accountable for his actions. 

The Riddler brings Penguin to Lee for protection, but finds out that Lee is no longer in charge. Lee gets to see the real Riddler now, but despite his bad attitude, she wants to help them. Getting your hand bashed in must do that to a person. She suggests they look for Grundy. Apparently, no one has considered why he has secluded himself recently. Unsurprisingly, he is not happy to see The Riddler, and he beats up on him for a bit before bringing him to Barbara and Tabitha. He believes that Tabitha should be the one to kill him. He leaves immediately after delivering him because he still isn’t happy with Tabitha seeing him the way that he is now. 

Barbara doesn’t have time for this right now. She is about to collapse at any second with the state of her headache. She suggests that they give him to Sophia to be tortured for information and then killed. Tabitha must be so disappointed with the amount of times she has had the chance to kill him, but stopped every single time. The Dentist has the chance to torture him first, and Nygma looks very Joker- esque with the blood coming out of his mouth from his torture, which only reminds me that Jerome isn’t in this episode and makes me sad. 

This all takes a long time, and Penguin is afraid that Nygma has betrayed him again. He leaves Lee to be on his own again. He has major trust issues. Immediately, he runs into Gordon and Harvey. However, Gordon says he will let the escaped convict go if he tells them where Penn is. After getting over that betrayal, he tells them. Yet, Harvey is still going to take him in and puts him in the car. Suddenly, it seems like Harvey and Gordon have switched roles. Luckily, Lee is able to steal the car with Penguin in it. Unluckily, Zsasz overhears that Gordon is after Penn. 

Lee and Penguin go to Mr. Freeze to follow The Riddler’s original plan before he disappeared tracking down Grundy. Penguin gets frozen in an ice block and delivered to Sophia, and Mr. Freeze gets his money. I’m really rooting for him to find a cure. I hope he’s happy. Sophia asks for The Riddler to be killed since he is no longer necessary, and they take him to the docks. 

Meanwhile, Gordon and Harvey find Penn. Dressed and acting like a baby. It’s not the weirdest thing to happen in Gotham, so I’m not even going to bat an eye at it. If that is how he copes with his business, go for it. 

Shortly afterwards, Sophia, Zsasz, and Headhunter break in the place. They aim to shoot Penn before he can talk, but they shoot Gordon by mistake. So, Gordon does the responsible thing, and split up from the rest of them. Harvey just lets him do his martyr thing, takes back his car from Lee, and gets Penn out of there. 

Gordon kills a lot of them, but he gets shot again by Sophia. And again. And again. They really need to work on the strength of their bullets in this town, especially since they are usually using them against supernatural folk. However, she is willing to give him a chance to beg for his life. Gordon refuses, but before Sophia has the chance to kill him, Lee shoots Sophia in the head. After stitching up Gordon, she goes back to the Narrows to reclaim her throne and smash in Sampson’s hand. Maybe The Riddler will start liking her too once he finds out what a badass she is. 

Penguin gave up his chance to kill Sophia himself to save The Riddler from death on the docks. He’s still so gay for him. They usually reserve that kind of romantic music for a scene with Gordon and any other female. But sure, let’s just pretend that it’s just true friendship music. I’m just happy to see them working together again. 

Now, let me remind you once again. Sophia was shot in the head. Yet, once we get to the hospital, she’s just in a coma. These bullets really don’t work. Gordon wants to come clean after he gets out of the hospital, like the martyr he is. But Harvey disagrees. He needs to live with it to repay his debt. This show really relies heavily on the theme of living with your guilt and accepting yourself for it. I think the theme of seeking out therapy might be a healthier idea. 

Most importantly, the end of the episode shows Barbara’s hand glowing and Ra’s Al Ghul. With Sophia gone, it’s time for another female villain to take the stage. I had almost forgotten about this storyline entirely, but now I am excited to see what they are going to do with it. Especially since Bruce is back in action as well.

Written by Nicole Teeters, GOTHAM Beat Writer

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