HAN SOLO Star Wars Movie Will Span 6 Years and Cover All the Topics You Want

Disney CEO Bob Iger has revealed a few details about the upcoming HAN SOLO Star Wars standalone movie while speaking at a tech conference yesterday (via Variety).

He confirmed the movie will take place during Han's ages of 18–24; a six year span. According to the Lucasfilm Story Group, who act as the editor-in-chief of all things story-related in the Star Wars canon, Han is 29-years-old during the events of STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE. This means the standalone film takes place approximately 11 years before STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE to just five years before the 1977 movie.

Additionally, Iger confirmed HAN SOLO will reveal how Han and Chewbacca met as well as how he saved Chewie's life thus creating the life debt Chewie has with Han. Also confirmed was something fans have wanted to see for a long time and that is how Han won the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian in a game of Sabacc.

One thing Iger did say — that some websites and fans are making more confusing than it probably should be — is how we will learn how Han Solo "got his name." Many immediately assumed Han Solo is not his real name, however, it seems more fitting of an explanation to say Iger was referring to how Han got his name notoriety as one of the galaxy's greatest smugglers.

HAN SOLO is currently filming and releases in 2018.

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