You Probably Didn't Catch the Brother Voodoo Tease in DOCTOR STRANGE

***This post contains SPOILERS for DOCTOR STRANGE.***

***You've been warned.***

So you've seen Marvel's DOCTOR STRANGE and since it has already made over $325 million worldwide you might have seen it more than once already. But did you catch the tease for Brother Voodoo?

First, let's take a quick moment to inform those who may not know about Brother Voodoo. He is another Master of the Mystic Arts and, in the comics, has been the Sorcerer Supreme just like Dr. Stephen Strange.

According to director Scott Derrickson, via Entertainment Weekly, one of The Ancient One's guardians who was killed by Kaecilius, and played by actor Mark Anthony Brighton, will become Brother Voodoo at some point down the road.

“That was Daniel Drumm, who got killed [by Kaecilius], so there’s reason to bring him back into the narrative,” Derrickson told EW. “When you go to make a movie like this you have this huge buffet of characters. Who do we save for later movies and who do we try to bring in now? That was one we always discussed. I don’t see a Doctor Strange franchise without him.”

So not only did DOCTOR STRANGE set up Strange, Dormammu and Mordo for things to come in the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it sounds like Drumm will get his time to shine once he's resurrected as Brother Voodoo down the road, too.

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