CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Directors Discuss How Actors Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and Chadwick Boseman Operate

It's cool when you can get any glimpse inside of the world of film production, especially when you can get a quick look at how actors operate in their profession. CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR directors Joe and Anthony Russo discussed several of their heroic actors to Collider and how they each approach their respective roles.

"Of course, we work differently with different actors because they’ll have a different process."

On Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther
"Chadwick is a very method actor. He shows up on set in character, stays in character, stays in accent because he finds its helpful for him to be transformative."

On Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America
"Chris is an extremely technically gifted actor. All his work is done before he gets to set. He understands the script, he understands what he wants from the scene and he nails it."

On Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man
"Downey is very organic – the process with him. He really wants to get under the skin of each scene, so what he’ll do is on a Sunday before we shoot his scenes that week, we’ll go over to his house with Markus and McFeely and we’ll go through his scenes and he’ll do a lot of improv and there’s a lot of discovery. If there are great lines that come up, we re-work them into the script and we work the scene in so that the story structure — so that there’s still finality to the story structure, but we get his passion and emotion in the content."

The directing duo, then, spoke about how they approach shooting multiple takes with actors.

"[T]he way that we deal with most actors is we don’t like to get very complicated because we don’t want them to think too much because we find it takes them out of the moment. We roll the camera for extended takes, we’ll do six, seven, eight takes in a row because we find by take two or three they’re not thinking about anything other than what’s happening in the scene. They become very present to the scene, and the more you stop and people have a smoke or go t the restroom the more diffuse the energy can become and the more diffuse the focus can become."

Read more about the Russo's process of filming their movies on Collider, by clicking right here.

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