BATMAN V. SUPERMAN: Armored Batman Suit and Cowl Info Teased in Companion Book

***Minor SPOILERS for BATMAN V. SUPERMAN ahead. You've been warned.***

For decades the DC versus Marvel debate has raged throughout the comic book fanbase. While there is no definitive answer, both companies have taken cues from each other in their respective super hero universes.

It seems like director Zack Snyder is taking somewhat of a cue from Marvel as Ben Affleck's Batman cowl is a little more like Iron Man than some Batman fans may like it to be. This new reveal comes from the companion book for BATMAN V. SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE, via WhatCulture, who writes:

"Made of titanium, it’s covered in wires, microchips, and sensors, but just so happens to also include lenses which can come down over the Caped Crusader’s eyes to allow the hero to see in the dark or have information streamed in front of him (think of it as a really advanced version of Google Glass then).
"The cowl also includes a throat microphone which alters Batman’s voice, something which explains why he’s sounded so different throughout various points in the trailers."

Please note that this new information on this 'cowl helmet' was not specified as being for the Armored Batman suit or just the regular Batman suit, but it seems logical to speculate that this under-cowl helmet could be for the armor.

It was also revealed that both Bruce Wayne and Alfred worked together to construct the armored suit and it is made of bullet-proof fabrics, lightweight pieces and has a fireproof cape. It was not disclosed if the suit was lined with any Kryptonite, even though the end of the latest trailer implies it might be when Superman's punch is easily blocked by Batman.

BATMAN V. SUPERMAN releases on March 25.

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