STAR WARS: REBELS Season 2 Mid-Season Trailer Reveals and Easter Eggs You May Have Missed

Yesterday, Lucasfilm released the STAR WARS: REBELS Season 2 mid-season trailer and it was a glorious three and a half minutes long. Packed with a ton of new reveals and Easter Eggs, you might have missed some stuff.

Leia and Yoda are in it, but they were obvious reveals and the following are some of the other things you may have missed.

Ezra's Parents?

Is that a holographic image of Ezra's parents?


Aim for its neck.

A Third Inquisitor


Jedi Temple Guards

Apparently, the Emperor and Darth Vader have not removed these Jedi guards from the galaxy.

Kanan Wearing a Stormtrooper Helmet

Kanan joins Sabine and Ezra and dons his own helmet.

Young Anakin Skywalker Training to be a Jedi

Ahsoka teaching Ezra about her former master. (Cue the 'Memories' song...)

Darth Maul?!

Is that Darth Maul? Yes it is confirmed to be the fan favorite villain. He was last scene in STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS in a lightsaber duel with the Emperor. He lost that duel but he's back, robot legs and all, to seduce Ezra to the Dark Side of the Force.

Kanan With a Red Lightsaber

Training with a red lightsaber? Weird.

A Nod to 'The Force Awakens'


Mandalorian Warriors

Looks like the Mandalorians are back. Where's Boba Fett?

STAR WARS: REBELS returns from its mid-season break on Disney XD on January 20.

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