Star Tours Ride STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 'Escape From Jakku' Addition Detailed

Disney is still in the early prep stages to build their Star Wars Land additions to Disneyland and Disney World, but the entertainment company has added an addition to their Star Tours ride for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS.

If you haven't rode Star Tours with the new movie addition and you don't want to be spoiled on it, stop reading now. This is your SPOILER ALERT. You've been warned.

While at Hollywood Studios yesterday, The Daily Superhero rode Star Tours and as you enter the ride it's the same take-off sequence with C-3PO doing some ship maintenance and being caught in the captain's seat about to launch. During the take-off Darth Vader, Boba Fett and Stormtroopers arrive in the launch bay and he tries to stop your ship from leaving the hangar. Again, all the same opening sequence and Vader is after a Rebel spy inside of your ship. But here's where you have to let film continuity go and just enjoy the fun of the ride.

After you escape Vader's clutches, R2-D2 sends your ship into hyperspace and when you come out of it you see the planet Jakku. You enter its atmosphere and see an explosion in a small village. (This is the explosion from the First Order TIE Fighter blowing up the Quad Jumper ship that Rey, Finn and BB-8 were running toward in the movie.)

Suddenly, Finn (it's actor John Boyega!) pops up on a side screen in your ship and asks what Star Tours is doing in Jakku. At this same moment the Millennium Falcon appears in front of your ship and it is being chased by TIE Fighters (just like in the movie!). The pursuit is fast and heart pounding as you weave around all the Imperial wreckage on the surface of the planet. Your ship also has a front row seat for the moment when Finn's locked cannon, on the bottom of the Falcon, shoots and blows up the TIE Fighter, but the explosion sends your ship into the Star Destroyer wreckage.

Crashing into the wreckage, your Star Tours ship comes to a complete stop and you see several Jakku scavengers coming toward your ship to loot it for parts. One of the scavengers gets so close that he manages to rip off the Star Tours logo from the front of your ship and shows it off to the other scavengers as his prize, which makes for a funny little moment.

The ship powers back on and it blasts through the Star Destroyer wreckage into space. At this point a BB-8 hologram appears and he instructs C-3PO and R2-D2 of another mission that needs to take place and your ship is once again off into hyperspace to then take a part of one of regularly scheduled Star Tours adventures.

Not only is this new addition to Star Tours thrilling to experience first hand, but seeing both Finn and BB-8 made the adventure that much more fun. It is definitely recommended so you too can feel the twists and turns of being a part of the chase involving the Millennium Falcon and the TIE Fighters on Jakku, from the movie.