Bryan Singer Talks Apocalype's Powers in X-MEN: APOCALYPSE

In the comics, Apocalypse is one of the, if not the, most powerful mutant. In X-MEN: APOCALYPSE he will also be very, very powerful and director Bryan Singer sat down with SlashFilm to talk about Apocalypse's movie powers.

"He has a number of different powers that he’s acquired over the years as he’s moved from body to body, accumulating these various abilities. One of them is to imbue other mutants and to heighten their powers and abilities. Secondly, he can shield from psychic powers; he can form shields so that it makes it harder for a psychic like Xavier to tap in and get to them. He’s not a psychic himself though. He can amplify your power, transform you as a mutant but his ability to physically damage, destroy, or build is in the non-biological world. That’s in the physical world, he can change the inorganic molecules of things. These are some of the powers that we’re exploring and there are some epic things that he does towards the end of the picture."

Wait... Apocalypse moves from body-to-body?

"Yeah, he moves from body to body. Apocalypse himself is not a physical form, he’s an energy. I don’t know what he is. What he does is accumulate powers over the millennia by moving from body to body. What’s wonderful is he thinks in the beginning of the film he’s found this great body. I don’t want to give away what the power of the body this mutant has but it’s a familiar one that you’ve seen a number of very famous mutants have. It kind of ends up being the wrong one because he gets stuck in it for a long time, but then suddenly he has this opportunity and that becomes his agenda. So it’s another interesting thing in the movie, the villain always has their agenda."

But what's his greatest power?

"...[His] greatest power is the power of persuasion... [he will find] people at a time in a moment when there's an emptiness, when there's a need."

X-MEN: APOCALYPSE releases on May 27, 2016.

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