The Daily SuperHero Presents its Favorite Moments in Super Hero Movies in 2015

2015 is coming to a close and while 2016 is bringing super hero fans more movie releases than ever, in a calendar year, this past year has had some great moments. The following are some of The Daily SuperHero's favorite moments (in no particular order) in super hero movies in 2015.

Ryan Reynolds Reveals DEADPOOL Costume in a Burt Reynolds Inspired Photo

It was the perfect way to reveal the first look at the DEADPOOL costume.

Actor Michael Pena Fast Talking in ANT-MAN

Michael Pena stole every scene he was in in ANT-MAN. Especially when he starting fast-talking how he gets his information. It's moments like these that make the Marvel Cinematic Universe so fun.


This scene was first shown at San Diego Comic-Con 2014 as part of a sizzle reel for the crowd in Hall H and it was easily one of the most memorable scenes in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON. But then writer/director Joss Whedon took the gag a step further when Vision simply handed Thor his hammer later in the film. A brilliant way to instantly tell moviegoers that Vision is both worthy to join the Avengers, but also very powerful.

Wonder Woman Emerges From Her Shield in BATMAN V. SUPERMAN Trailer

No matter what your thoughts are on the look of Doomsday and/or how actor Jesse Eisenberg portrays his version of Lex Luthor, the big highlight of this trailer is when the power of Wonder Woman is revealed.

Jared Leto's Joker is Revealed in SUICIDE SQUAD San Diego Comic-Con Trailer

The SDCC trailer for SUICIDE SQUAD was originally supposed to be only for the Hall H crowd. But it leaked online so Warner Bros. released it immediately so fans wouldn't have to watch a grainy version of it and could enjoy the first appearance of a new psychopathic Joker in high def.

Obviously, there are a lot of great moments in super hero movies in 2015 but these are The Daily SuperHero's favorites. Have a safe and Happy New Year!