Op-Ed: Something’s Off About the Latest BATMAN V. SUPERMAN Trailer

I’m have hard time putting my finger on exactly what my thoughts are about the latest BATMAN V. SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE. As an example, my thoughts are not as clear cut as they were when I saw the trailer for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS.

So I’ll try talking them out. The opening of the trailer is awesome. Like the entire first trailer, it focused on the conflict between Superman and Batman. Bruce Wayne has issues with Superman that most people in their right mind would have. He’s all powerful and the only thing keeping Superman from taking over the world... is himself. That would be a little scary for anyone. 

At the same time, Clark Kent has problems with “the bat vigilante.” He thinks Batman is taking the law into his own hands. He’s making people scared. Which, as Bruce points out, is a bit hypocritical. What is Superman except a vigilante with much stronger powers than Batman? Hell, as far as we know, Batman hasn’t killed anyone, but Superman has.

Seeing a continuation of that animosity is good. It appears to be a large part of the movie and I hope that’s the truth. In my opinion the weakest link of the movie, so far, seems to be actor Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor. Something about him is way too silly. His first scene in the trailer seemed like he was aping the style of Heath Ledger’s Joker. It was odd. Frankly, I feel like he’s being stuck in the movie so there’s an excuse for Batman and Superman to become friendly with one another. 

I’m also not a huge fan of Doomsday’s current design. I’m well aware that we’ve only see one shot of the new villain, and it’s entirely possible that what we’ve seen is only his first form. Doomsday could grow over time. But considering Doomsday is more of a creature and less of a character, I hope he doesn’t take up too much screen time. 

Something about the way the trailer was cut didn’t fit either. There was something more action packed and cohesive about the last trailer we saw. It told a more complete story within a trailer structure. In this new one, we have what looks like a bunch of clips stitched together. It also makes the movie feel like two separate films. One about Batman and Superman and the other about Lex’s plan to… take over the world?

I think that’s my biggest issue. The movie no longer seems cohesive. 

That’s something which could change when the movie is released. We’ll just have to wait and see. My hope is that maybe, with another trailer, the tone of the movie will be more clear and the movie’s focus will be more defined. I can’t be sure that’ll happen though, since we’re only three months from release. If anything, we’ll have to rely on TV spots until March to make things a bit more cohesive.

Written by Peter Freeman, The Daily SuperHero's AGENTS OF SHIELD Beat Writer