SPIDER-MAN: Tom Holland Reveals Minor MCU Spoiler For Peter Parker and Says it Will Film in Atlanta

This post contains a minor SPOILER for the next SPIDER-MAN movie. You've been warned.

Actor Tom Holland hasn't really said much about his upcoming portrayal of Peter Parker and Spider-Man in Sony and Marvel's still-untitled SPIDER-MAN movie. Until now.

In an interview with SuperHeroHype, Holland revealed that Parker will be the only hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe who will maintain a secret identity.

“I think one of the most interesting things about Peter Parker for us is that he’s the only person in the MCU now that has a secret identity, so we all know who everyone else is. I think it’s quite interesting to go back to that hiding behind a mask.”

The actor, then, revealed that the next SPIDER-MAN movie will film in Atlanta and probably a little bit in New York, too.

“We’re shooting in Atlanta for most of it, because they have studios there and I think it’s cheaper to build a New York set than it is to shoot here, because it’s going to be very expensive. We probably will end up here (in New York) for one week or two.”

The next SPIDER-MAN movie will release on July 28, 2017 and will reportedly begin filming in summer 2016.