Time to Guess Who Rey is Crying Over in the STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Trailer

Warning! This post may contain SPOILERS for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS. Read at your own risk.

You've seen it probably a dozen times (or more) and you've already been over-analyzing the new STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS trailer frame-by-frame. The Daily SuperHero has been doing this and I've come upon the curious moment in the trailer when Rey is seen crying over what appears to be a fallen body.

So who is it? First, here's a full screenshot of this moment.

Next, here's the same screenshot but brightened to see who she is crying over a little bit better.

Even with it brighter it's tough to tell. It could be Finn. It could be Han. Or it could be Chewbacca since on the far right it looks a bit furry/fuzzy and looks like a part of his bandolier.

It's all just guesses right now.

Who do you think it is? Comment below.

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