Fans Show Their Passion For a FANTASTIC FOUR Movie to be Made the Right Way in the Midst of a Rumor

Editorial: What fans want generally doesn't happen. Especially when you're talking about movie rights for a franchise that could potentially be a big moneymaker, like the FANTASTIC FOUR.

This morning a rumor hit the web claiming a deal was brokered between Fox and Marvel for the X-Men television rights. Allegedly, Marvel had these rights and Fox wanted them and got them to get HELLFIRE green lit on Fox and LEGION for FX. In return it was said Fox handed over the movie rights to FANTASTIC FOUR (which includes Doom, Silver Surfer, Galactus, Skrulls, etc.) back to Marvel.

The rumor took on a life of its own on social media as fans tweeted their hope for it being true on Twitter and shared their excitement for the rumor on Facebook. Regardless of some of the major blog and website writer venom stating the rumor is false, what can't be ignored are the fans and their love for the FANTASTIC FOUR. As well as their desire to see the franchise done right and, more specifically, done right at Marvel Studios.

Also let's be honest in saying even though there are reports now claiming the rights are still at Fox, if this rumor is true nobody will confirm it in this manner. If true, Marvel will confirm it their way when they are ready to do it. So of course there will be denials right now.

There's been plenty of rumors about the FANTASTIC FOUR since the lackluster reboot attempt, but the fact remains that fans do stand behind the franchise. That stance may not be with Fox producing more movies for the franchise, but the passion is there and maybe Marvel Studios will use this rumor hype as a means to figure out a way to bring Marvel's first family into the MCU.

Whether it's a Sony-like partnership with Fox or figuring out a way to obtain the movie rights back, this rumor should have studio executives at Disney and Marvel talking about the FANTASTIC FOUR behind closed doors... At least for today.

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