STAR WARS Speculation: Luke Skywalker May Have Lost Something in Episode VIII

This post may contain SPOILERS for STAR: WARS EPISODE VIII. You've been warned and by the way the above image is Photoshopped and not real.

Last week it was announced that STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII would begin filming some scenes in Ireland this month. Well... actor Mark Hamill has been spotted in Ireland but without his beard he shot The Force Awakens with. It seems like Luke Skywalker will make it through The Force Awakens but apparently his beard will not.

Check out this photo from a bar in Ireland were Hamill made an appearance sans his facial hair. (Click here to see more photos.)

Let's dig into some speculation...

There's been plenty of The Force Awakens rumors claiming Skywalker is in seclusion and sought after for part of the film. Seems like he will be found in The Force Awakens and in Episode VIII he could be out of seclusion. He may also have found a need to shave and become the Jedi Master he needs to be to help Finn and Rey defeat Kylo Ren and the First Order.

What do you think? Chime in below in the comments.

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