Ryan Reynolds Shares His Thoughts on a Possible DEADPOOL Crossover in Future X-MEN Movies

Deadpool, Deadpool, Deadpool!

That's how things are feeling right now going into San Diego Comic-Con week. It seems like the hype is building up so much that it's actually impossible to think this movie even has a chance of being a bust when it releases in February 2016.

Actor Ryan Reynolds spoke with ScreenRant about the possibility of Deadpool crossing over in a future X-Men movie.

"It would be kind of hard, wouldn’t it? Because you have a character – let’s say you have a character who knows he’s in a comic book movie, that sort of breaks the fourth wall [and] has a tendency to kind of say people’s real names instead of their characters’ names. How do you introduce that into another universe that…does not do that? So…I don’t know. I’d be curious to say. I’m not saying that’s not going to happen. I don’t know if it’s going to happen. I would love to see that."

Bottom line is that if when DEADPOOL is a huge box officer hit, of course he will appear in future X-Men movies. And don't forget Colossus is already has a role in DEADPOOL and I keep hearing whispers that actor Hugh Jackman will make some kind of cameo in DEADPOOL as Wolverine.


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