SDCC 2015: LEGO Reveals AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Exclusive 'Throne of Ultron' Set

If you've never been to San Diego Comic-Con International then you have no idea how hard it is to get some of the event's highly sought after exclusive collectibles. Most times you need to spend hours waiting in a line for the ability to get into a another line for a chance to buy a limited edition item.

LEGO has some of the hardest to get and most valuable SDCC exclusives every year. And this year will be no different.

The Hollywood Reporter now brings word that LEGO will sell an exclusive 203 piece set for $39.99 of Ultron's throne in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON. Here's a full image of the exclusive set and good luck getting this one if you're going to Comic-Con next month.

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