Harrison Ford Pretty Much Confirms His STAR WARS EPISODE VII Role on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Harrison Ford has been making the press rounds for his new movie 42 and last night he appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live to talk about it but things changed to Star Wars Episode VII talk and that didn't go well for Ford. (See video below.)

First, Kimmel asked Ford a question and the actor was visibly agitated by it. Then Kimmel had Ford answer audience questions, with Ford requesting the caveat of "No Star Wars questions." The first two audience members were dressed as a Jedi and Princess Leia, while the third audience member was dressed like Chewbacca. Ford, then, argued with the Wookie.

“You’re so full of s**t. How did he get in here? Did you set this up? You set this up?” Ford said and questioned Kimmel, who said he knew they had issues. “He knows what he did. She was my wife. You Wookie sack of s**t."

Before storming off the stage, Ford pointed at Kimmel and told him, “You listen to me. You’re either on my side or you’re on his side. I’m out of here. No, I’m leaving.” 

Ford left the set and his final words to Chewbacca were, “You... I’ll see you in hell.”

Humorous? Yes. A telling sign that Ford is really part of Episode VII? Most definitely.

Not having confirmed he is returning as Han Solo for the J.J. Abrams-directed movie, this late night interaction couldn't be a bigger hint that Ford is a part of the new trilogy. And don't forget that Kimmel's show is on ABC, and the network is owned by none other than Disney.

Remember what Disney just bought at the end of October last year? If you forgot, for some insane reason, it was Star Wars and Lucasfilm.

The dots are beginning to connect and it's only a matter of time until the official announcement is made saying that Ford is coming back to the role that made him one of the most famous action stars in the history of the motion picture.
