Wreck-It Ralph Review: If you were raised at any time of the video game era, you'll absolutely love this movie


Disney's Wreck-It Ralph is not really a superhero movie but there many video game characters who are heroes in their respective game. So The Daily SuperHero took a trip to the theater to hopefully enjoy Disney's next animation movie.

Going into this film there was concern that it was not a Pixar movie. Disney hasn't been successful with past non-Pixar movies like Meet the Robinsons, Bolt and Tangled. Each performed admirably but none will spawn a franchise or any sequels.

Wreck-It Ralph is their next attempt to create a successful non-Pixar movie franchise and they knocked it out of the park. This video game movie was obviously made by gamers and if you grew up at any point of the video game era, you'll love this film. Whether you grew up in the 70s with Atari, the 80s with Nintendo and Sega or even in modern day with Xbox 360 and Playstation 3; this is a movie made for everyone who has played or still plays video games.

Not only is Wreck-It Ralph's plot a solid redemption story but what really makes this movie is the finer details of what makes a game ... a game. You get to take a trip inside of the video game world to experience what the characters do while an arcade is closed for the evening. During business hours, it's gaming as usual and the characters simply know their job is to follow the game's program.

This is where Wreck-It Ralph comes into play since Ralph is his game's antagonist who just wants to be appreciated by its hero, Fix-It Felix Jr. When Ralph is not invited to his game's 30th anniversary party, by Felix and others who play a part in his game, Ralph feels left out and goes out to prove that he is more than just a bad guy.

In an effort to not ruin the movie for you, you'll have to go see the film yourself, but pay attention. Because the best part of the movie is all the finer details. Like how the characters travel between games, their interaction with game characters that are in hi-definition, characters in the background of scenes and more.

Also, prepare for plenty of brand integration that goes beyond all the known video game characters. However, Disney integrates these other brands into this movie in a way that is subtle and not in your face or over-the-top.

Bottom line, this movie is a must-see and worthy of becoming Disney's newest franchise if it performs well in theaters. So go out and see it because when you leave the theater, you'll tell yourself you hope a sequel is made as soon as possible.

Wreck-It Ralph gets an 8.5 out of 10, easily.
